Wednesday 10 January 2018

24k Gold & Roses Face Serum by BBAmna

I can see most of the women in Pakistan are talking about the 24k Gold & Roses serum by Beauty by Amna. Some of them have finally got their hands on this beauty elixir and rest of the people are thinking to buy them.But first, they want an honest review about the product.
Luckily, I am among those who could finally get the serum and try it for good. Very much expectedly, I am being asked about its reviews, how well it works on our skin and most importantly, is it worth the price??
So here comes the much much much wanted "dead honest review" of 24k Gold & Roses Face Serum by bbamna.


The 24k serum is available on the official website. You can order yours by clicking Bbamna . 
I bought the serum in 1750/- pkr when it was on sale some 5 months back. However the actual price tag is 3500/- pkr.
The website has a very prompt delivery. Amazing service with COD available. So 10/10 on the services.. Honestly!!!!!


Shine like Gold, sparkle like glitter
This is how the bottle of the serum can be best described...
However the bottle is packaged inside a gold and black box just like the packaging of the porfade primer by the same brand.
If you want to know my reviews on the primer..feel free to click Here

The actual serum comes in a glass bottle with gold packaging. Looks regal. Very easy to take the product because of a dropper that works on basis of suction.
So yeah...
9/10 on packaging... One mark deducted because of a little bit of too much gold-en


Now comes the real talk...the product...
The 24k serum by bbamna is a clear fluid with some gold flakes..
The brand claims it to be as effective as any high end serum. Well, it does look like one amazing product in your collection. But we have to see if it really works on your skin or not.
You can see in the picture the consistency and texture of the product.
Th serum is amazingly odour free. You don't feel any unpleasant smell or anything bothering when you look at it for the first time.


The ingredients of this serum as mention on the back of packaging are all organic. So you can use it without wondering about the side effects of harmful chemicals.
I have attached the pic of ingredients...please have a look...its all safe... :)


This serum absorbs really well on your skin. You don't need too much of the product otherwise, you will feel like massaging any regular oil on your face and it doesn't give you a good feeling. Especially, if you are using it to prep and prime your face for an amazing makeup look.
Before using the product, do cleanse and moisture your face. You don't want to feel a separate layer on your face I m sure. Yes, if you use too much of product or if don't exfoliate or cleanse beforehand, you are gonna feel really tacky... Trust me..
It does absorb really well leaving your skin soft and smooth and prepares a perfect canvas for the makeup looks you want. The gold flakes in the serum are NOT AT ALL BOTHERING...they absorb readily and give your a hint of gold..( yes it does...if used in right amount and proper way)

You can see in the pics how well the product absorbs.. I want to mention here that I haven't used any handcream or anything before using the serum and taking hand only has this 24k serum...and you can see and judge its effectiveness yourself.


The 24k Gold & Roses serum by beautify by Amna is a really good product to buy only if it is available in 1750/- because I personally think the quality they offer is not worth the price...
I don't say its not good...
I am just saying it is over priced.
So if you want to buy the serum anyways, please look for the discount....
Because I will never buy this serum in 3500/-

Do give me your reviews about the post and the product...also if you want me to compare it with Farsali 
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome but please avoid harsh or negative criticism...
Good day my lovelies.... :)

Tuesday 2 January 2018

5 Tried and Effective exercises for Pear Shaped Body

Hellow my dear fellows!!!
I hope those of you who are trying to lose some pounds are following their diet and exercise plans and enjoying moving towards a healthy body and mind...
Women have more tendency for fats deposition in their lower abs, hips and thighs due to the Estrogen present in their bodies. Us women, when we put on weight, the fats are added specifically to these areas. So we start exercising and dieting hoping to get a perfectly shaped body. But, after weeks, we realize we are still unable to attain the perfect proportion in our bodies.
Pear shaped bodies find it difficult to shed those fats from lower abs, hips and thighs. I myself suffered from the same frustration so tried a lot of exercises during my weightloss (rather Fatloss) journey and after trying many exercises, I found some of the exercises being very effective. I lost inches very quickly this time and noticed a better shape and proportion in my body. So, I decided to share them with my lovelies...
So here is a quick list of those tried and tested and found very very very effective exercises. These are very simple , and you can do these exercises easily at home without any equipment or gym. :)


I call this exercise as the magic to tone hips. Its very easy, doest require a lot of technique to digest and its very effective. It works on your gluteal muscles and and also helps in getting rid of those wrinkles on butts. I highly recommend this exercise.
You must:
. Exhale while raising 
. Inhale while lowering down
. start with 10 and increase 5 every day up to 30 for 30 days


Hip abduction is again a very effective and very easy exercise to tone those saddle bags on your upper thighs. Nobody likes them I swear. I stayed depressed thinking how could I lose them...I tried this hip abduction and finally getting rid of it...a toned body is what we all dream of...
So during this exercise
You must:
Exhale while abduction (raising)
Inhale while adduction (lowering)
8 abductions each side and increase 2 for each hip everyday up to 30 for 30 days


The easiest yet most effective exercise to get those glutes, thighs and bit of lower abs is just the simple SQUATS... We all know this ex very well but many of us are not aware of the benefits. Do add it in your exercise routine and you will feel quick results in all the problems areas of a pear shaped body.
You must:
Exhale while sitting 
Inhale while standing
Start with 10 squats and add 5 everyday up to as many as u can :)


This exercise needs a little practice initially but believe you me, once you start doing it and be consistent, you are gonna thank me for recommending this. This exercise works really really great on your lower abs and tones and tightens that belly pooch real-time.

If you can't raise the leg while keeping it straight, don't over stress yourself or hurt by pushing beyond limits.
You can bend the knees slightly while raising the legs and there you got easy...but its efficiency stays the same.
You must:
Exhale while raising leg 
Inhale while lowering down
Start with 5 and add 2/3 everyday.
(Don't push yourself too don't want to hurt and end up quitting)


High knees just like a march? Yes that way
Isn't that way too simple? Yes It is
Is it effective?? Hell yeah very effective
High knees just like march or adding a little bit of jumping, whatever suits you. Do it and tone your core, hips and thighs....
And enjoy the perfectly proptioned body...

Don't forget to breathe and breathe and breathe during any sort of exercise your are doing.

I hope you all follow them soon and get the most of out these amazing exercises....
Do tell me in the comments how u feel about them and how u found them....
Have a great journey :)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any rights on the images in this blogpost

24k Gold & Roses Face Serum by BBAmna

I can see most of the women in Pakistan are talking about the 24k Gold & Roses serum by Beauty by Amna. Some of them have finally got th...